Wurldlee Prepares to Attend the General Assembly (1936)

With a shout-out to Steve over at the GA Junkie, here is a sample of Hal Veech’s four-panel cartoon strip that ran in The Christian Beacon during the first year of publication.  The Beacon began in February of 1936, and Veech’s cartoon strip was there from the start.  He even drew the masthead that was used for the paper in that first year.  But after 10 September 1936 (vol. 1, no. 31), the strip was gone.  No word as to what happened to Veech, and I’ve never been able to locate any information of any sort about him.  If you know anything about this cartoonist, I’d like to hear from you.



[The Christian Beacon, 1.15 (21 May 1936): 6.]